Friday, November 20, 2015

Student Succes Statement.

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself."

Henry Ward Beecher
This Quote is saying that you shouldn't put the blame on anyone but yourself. If it was your fault then pay the consequences for it. Don't let someone take the blame for you. An example is breaking something. If you were t break a vase don't blame it on your sibling. That may be the easiest way to get out of trouble but later on you will be caught. Be the responsible person that everyone wants to see about you. Don't let them think poorly of you. prove them wrong. Never think you are nothing.

                 Thanksgiving was official in 1786 when George Washington made in the first national Thanksgiving day. Many of the main dishes we eat today weren't the original idea. Sara Josepha Hale inspired to start a 30 year campaign to make thanksgiving a holiday. Its on the last Thursday of November. The Pilgrims of Plymouth may have had the first thanksgiving but it was only a inspiration. I think that thanksgiving is important day because now most of us stay distant from each other and we don't stay close to family. Sometimes things can happen and a family member can disappear.We should stay connected to or with one another. A time to be with family and friends. For works a day of the spend with the family they work for.

  • My Family
  • My Friends
  • The way my life has been
  • My pets
  • I'm health 
  • Food
  • Learning to draw.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Student Succes Statement.

"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it."

This is saying it is better to not say a  lie and hurt someone later. Even if its bad it better to tell them the truth. An example is secret dating. When people go out with someone and dont tell their parents, If they find out later then they will be in bigger trouble. Or if you you lie about your feelings and put them in a trap to hurt them more. it isnt right. To stay with someone who will hurt you, yet go back to them. We must learn to do things on our own, yet dosent mean we cant ask for help.

Marcus Aurelius

Monday, November 16, 2015

Student Succes Statement.

1. Have the courage to say no.
2. Have the courage to face the truth.
3.Do the right thing because its right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.

W. Clement Stone

Student Succes Statement.

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winnning or losing." 

This qoute is saying that no matter what being fair is  the best thing to happen. An example is when you are doing a race and the person next to you falls. Instead of continuing  to win you are fair and help that person. Being fair is bad compared to losing. Fairness is in between. As for being honorable you should due anthing you can to help a person. If someone drops their things heep them even if they dont benifit you. this is what a honorabloe person should do. We can all be Honorable and Fair.

Chick Moorman
Duties and Responsibilities: they help check for cancer along with treatment procedures like chemotherapy
Salary: 217,856$
Education: Doctor of Medicine (M.D) Degree along with experience 

Summary: This job doesn’t suit me.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Duties and Responsibilities: produce multiple images into frames to create an illusion of movements. Digital or hand drawn. 2D or 3D. Create characters timing movements creating backgrounds.
Salary: 61,370 
Education: Need a bachelor’s degree and experience.
Summary: I have always been interested in art. When I started to watch an animation company called Ghibli I really wanted to work there. Sadly they have now stopped production. Yet I still want to be an animator because I love to draw and create characters.

Monday, November 9, 2015

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

What I think this quote means is that depending on the people you are with they can change with you are. if you are a person who doesn't drink or smoke then you will continue to be like that. If are with people who do drugs and drink then you may start to do it yourself. So you need to choose these people wisely or else you may end up choosing the wrong one. An example can be my aunt she loved to go have fun and party. Yet boyfriend was bad to her but, was still with him. One time she went out she never came back home. She was drugged and her body was dumb up in the mountains. She was a good person became friends with anyone. Yet she never knew what would happen to her.Maybe if she wasn't with him she would still be okay. even though i don't know if it was him.This is what can happen if you dont choose the right people.
Veterans Day
1)Veterans Day is an anniversary of the end of World War 1. 2)To honor those U.S veterans and respect the victims of war.
3)I think that it is important to show honor on Veterans Day, to show them that we are thank full for their service.8) If it weren’t for them the outcome of the war may have been different.4) We celebrate in on Nov. 11. 5) We can do the green light but other than that I cant think of another way.

7)Thank You 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good."

William Penn

When we feel stressed about things we sometimes do things to relax. Sometimes we run or draw but this quote is saying that the best way is do good. An example can be, when you walking home from a bad day at work and you see a homeless person. You decide to give them money; seeing that you helped them out. Doesn't  make you smile...That is the best way to recreate to do good. And dosent have to be to help the homeless it can be many other things. Younjuast need to start it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
William Penn

What I this quote is saying is that sometimes its best not to follow. Yet there are times you should follow. Everyone has a choice no one can really force you to. we do what we want to do no matter what the rules are sometimes. Even if its wring we just want to do it. It like a urge that we have to do that like drawing. Once in a while i have to draw something or else I just don't do anything.

EX1: When going to work everyone has to wear a uniform, they wear it because they know they have to or else there in trouble.

EX2: At school everyone has a phone we aren't allowed to use it in class but most people do it anyways. most people like to follow other or they just don't care.