Thursday, January 28, 2016
Student Succes Statement.
"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do whats right."
I think that he just did what he wanted to do. With that his legacy started unknown to him that he would still be rembererd. He seemed to be a kind person with a giant heart. It seemed like he had a family there with everyone of his players.Doing whats right will all People to move on but never forget. Doing the right things is the best thing.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Student Succes Statement.
"Its not about how to achive your dreams. Its about how to lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma(destiny,fortune,goood luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you."
Dr.Randy Pausch
This qoute is saying that if you want to get to that certain place you need to figure out how and not give up. If you continue to reach for that goal in mind then you can get that goal. The karma isnt always a bad thing it can also be good. As long as youi keep the dream in mind then it will always be there ,with opputunities leading you there you have to take it. Sometimes it can only take you part of the way. The rest of it you have to do on your own.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Student Succes Statement.
"Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating the BODY, the MIND. and above all the CHARACTER, giving spiritiual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destimies pf the nations."
Theodore Roosevelt
This is stating that without all three there wouldnt be a stable person to gain education. Education is the greatist wepon we all have without it we cant suceed. This generation and the next will lead us to the future.If they dont have a good education our nation will plumit. This is why he say themselves to decide the destinies of the nation. Once we are gone they will take over and depending on education we can rise or fall.
Volunteer Opportunities
Red Vest Concierge Volunteer
Greet members at entrances and entryways of hospital.Provide Wheelchair escorts when needed. Provide escorts to various locations on campusDeliver magazines and books to patient rooms when requested. This can be a great way to help connect with the community.
4733 Sunset Blvd Rm, 235Volunteer Services DepartmentLos Angeles,CA90027
Care Partner - Pediatrics/PICU
Meeting and greeting our members and assisting Nursing Staff as requested.Providing patient comfort by supplying blakets, water and assisting with other needs as they arise. Help around to anyone who needs it
.4867 Sunset BlvdVolunteer Services DepartmentLos Angeles,CA90027
2016 Valentine's Day Of Service Fun Book Drive For Homeless Kids
Joyful volunteer meet Up to bring new or old books to donate so that they can be given a way free to homeless/ poor kids that live in world famous skid row.CA Should have Customer Service,Painting,HistoryGroup.This can help Bring the community together.
Gladys ParkLos Angeles,CA90021 808 E.6th St 808 E.6th St
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
"Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body,mind, and spirit, for your own physical ,mental, and spiritual well-being"
This statment means that in order to be responsible you need to take care of yourself. By making sure you do the right things like not doing drugs. If one of these fall you willl fall all together. They are all needed for balance. We would crumble. We wouldnt be able to succed if we were to lose one, f we lose our body what can we acomplish. If we lose our mids we can proceed, if we lose spirit then we are just a puppet to be controlled by everyone.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Student Succes Statement.
The Goal of Truth Education
"Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is goal of education."
What he is saying is that even if you have the highest knowlege it wont be enough without character. If you have character it wont be enough without knowlege. I agree with the statment because, he is correct just like ying and yang. It wont work unless you have both. With both there can be many choices but with only one you will be limited. Just like a bycicle.
Duties and Responsibility: medical care of a newborn,mostly the ill or premature
Education:College degree - usually 4 years. Medical school - 4 years. Pediatric internship and residency - 3 years. Neonatology fellowship - 3 years
This kinda job seems intresting ,but just a thought.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Student Succes Statement.
"We need the courage to START and CONTINUE what we should do, and the courage to STOP what we shouldn't do."
Richard L. Evans
This is saying that if we are doing good then we should continue the good and spread it. If we do bad things then we should not try to spread it. An example is children, the learn and copy anyone that is older. If we teach them to be good then they will learn to be a good person and be nice to everyone.If they are thought to lie then they will learn to lie and be mean to others. This is why we should start and why we need to stop or else the next generation may be horrible.
Duties and Responsibilities: type of dentist that focus on straightening crooked teeth and full on braces
Education:you need to go to dental school the a 1-2 year residency at a orthodontist
This kinda job doesn't suit me.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Student Succes Statement.
"When you tell One lie, it leads to another"
Paul Hatch
This qoute is saying that if you lie it can cause problems. The more lies the problems will get bigger. A example is when you break something and you hid it for a very long time. Once you do get caught the punisment will be worse. Its never good to lie even if it helps you get out of a sticky situation. It can be hard to choose but its best not to lie. Soon no one will trust you if you lie.

School Break

What I did for these last three weeks I didnt do much. All really did was stay home. Other than Christmas I got clay and a new paint set. I got to see my aunts for a while but thats it. I was just home drawing what ever came to mind. I also got to play with my dogs and cat. When it was raining I just watched it rain.Unless I am to lie thats really all I did if I did go somewhere I didnt really have much fun. This is all i can put really. Im no normal person.
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