Class Evaluation
1. I liked how the class would teach us how to type without looking cause no i can text without looking and type ... a bit.
2. I didn't like how we did the same things over and over again made the class slowly.
3. I think a way to improve is to let students show there CTR experience ( if they want to) or videos they found online. As well as changing up the class "Schedule'' or else student will lose interest and not try.
4. Learning how to type with out looking.
5. Yes I did and when I finished I would draw.
6. Not all they time cause i get busy at home and can run out of time or just don't feel like it that day.
7. Yes i am when I am able too
8. I learned that there are different ways to do good things. And how ding the wrong things will sometimes will never be found out but sometimes the truth will be found out.
9. CTR song
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Final Student Success Statement
“You will go far with CTR”
-Mr. Haymore
This small quote I have heard all year. About choosing the right and stuff. Which is kinda true that if you do the right thing it's better. There was once a video I saw that had a man walk he sees a plant that needs water so gives it water, helps lady with a cart, feeds a stray dog, and gives money to a little girl and her mother who ask for money for her education. People look at him like he was a fool to be doing those things. He did them everyday, He got no money out of it nothing at all. Eventually he helped the plant bloom, became friends with the women with her cart and friends with the dog. When he went to give money to the girl she wasn't there. All the money that he gave everyday had enough to finally have her go to school and came back to her mom. People were surprised when they saw the girl after all the times of thinking he was a fool….this was add. I've seen many others of people helping others even if they get nothing in return. These are true CTR people and some are ones you don't expect. (Ps. here is the video in case you want to use it as an example one day. ---->
Monday, June 6, 2016
The Ultimate Choice
Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all other-the ultimate choice. This is one choice will help you always make correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This is one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
To be a CTR Person- To Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Student Success Statement
"If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
If there is beauty in character there will be peace in the world"
This long quote is pretty much true. That if everyone had a good character then there wouldn't be any problems in the world, there would be peace. There wouldn't be split countries. That is the world everyone would want to live in, a place with no racism, terrorism, no wars, no "labels", no judgments a place to be whatever you want to be and who you want to be. That is the world that everyone wants... yet a world we will never get. There will always be war, there will always be world struggles, there will always be a dying planet with people who do not care, A world of peace can never exist until those people have darkness in their hearts have changed until there are beautiful once again. No one's hearts are dark when they are first on the planet it's how they lived that's changed them.
A Current Health-Related Event or Issue
The Deadly Virus That's Spreading Faster Than Malaria or West Nile
Most of the world is at a risk of a virus known as dengue fever. The most common cases are in Puerto Rico. In most cases it is in tropical or subtropical regions. Yet the ways the virus is spread is different, it is spread by Mosquito. There are about 500,000 cases and most will be children. Dengue fever is life threatening and with no cure there is nothing anyone can do. There have been trials to come up with a cure so for nothing the only solution as of this moment is to kill and destroy bugs breeding habitats.There are some who are lucky and some who aren't.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Mark Stewart And Roman Chapa
These two stories are very different we have two boys both fighting to the championship. Of course one lost and one wins. Yet they both win by being a CTR person.The boy Malik had lost but decide to go hug the winners father who was dying of cancer. That's what made him a CTR person. While a horse rider decides to cheat to win by shocking his poor horse so he doesn't slow down. To make him speed up from the sudden shock. They were both trying to win which they did yet one was caught cheating which puts him in shame, not being a real winner. That makes him A CTW person.
" I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating."
~ Sophocles
This quote is saying that it is better to do things in life even if you fail by truth,than cheating. That is true but for everyday life it is hard cant they understand that. We don't mean to do it but at times we have to. In order to be able to push life forward. Students suffer from early on stress so sometimes they ask others for help so they don't have much on their shoulders. Teachers and people were once students in high school pretty sure they did the same.
~ Sophocles
This quote is saying that it is better to do things in life even if you fail by truth,than cheating. That is true but for everyday life it is hard cant they understand that. We don't mean to do it but at times we have to. In order to be able to push life forward. Students suffer from early on stress so sometimes they ask others for help so they don't have much on their shoulders. Teachers and people were once students in high school pretty sure they did the same.
Memorial Day Weekend
For my weekend on Saturday I didn't do much I was stuck home but later that day i went to walk the dogs. On Sunday again I was stuck home didn't really do much again was stuck home because i'm not allowed to go anywhere. I'm always stuck at home, I did some drawings played with my dogs that was pretty much it. Didn't have any homework, Tried to get my mom to let me donate blood to raise my grade. I painted my moms phone case( she likes totoro so I painted him.)
Yet on Monday we went to my aunt's house to have a picnic. My aunt's boyfriend was cooking the meat and dropped some in the fire...poor meat that got wasted. We were all there just laying down and talking about stuff. We ate a lot until our stomachs hurt. That was about it for my weekend.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Memorial Day
Memorial day was actually called Decoration Day before. It was to decorate the graves with flowers or other things. It was to remember those who have died in Service of the U.S. The “birth place” of memorial day was in Waterloo N.Y was the official birthplace by President Lyndon Johnson. It was first recognized in 1873. Yet it was for those who died in the civil war in the beginning. The South had refused to acknowledge the the dead. They had done it on a separate day. By 1890 it was for any war. Now it is celebrated on the last monday of each May. Which is May the 30th.
- Visit a Cemetery
- Say Thank You
- Fly the Flag
- Keep History Alive
- Make Patriot Cookies
- Volunteer to Place Flag on Grave Sites
- Foster their pet
- Make a Card
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Student Success Statement
“If i've got correct goals and if i keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else will falls into line. If I do the right thing, i'm going to succeed.”
This quote is pretty much plan out your life. Plan it out in the right way and you will get the life you want ...not all the times so many struggle and work away there life sometimes they never reach it. So what would be the point if you waste your life every single day and just hate it. We live once and sometimes we need to take chances because we won't get this life back. Life should be to the fullest.
Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: they are people who help improve health and reduce stress. They help plan yo help with dietary care nutritional restrictions. As well as maintaining the nutritional group to improve quality of life.
Education:The requirement need is a bachelor's degree with inj health education as well as some experience. As well as certification.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Student Success Statment
“ The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity( self worth , integrity and self-esteem.”
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
This quote is saying that whenever you can do the right thing then do it. You don’t need someone to tell you or just randomly feel like it you just do. Sometimes people try to help others but can't because there are in their own problems. At my house we don't have money yet my mom still gives money to people who need it. Sometimes I wonder why we need money. We can all try to do good but there are people who feel like they don't nee to that there in their own bubble. That they are better than people in this world they only stick to themselves. Which has to change this way of life can't be like this everyone should be created equal. Everyone has these qualities within them they just need to let in out.
Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine
Athletic Trainer
Duties and Responsibilities: an athletic trainer are healthcare professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, Rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.
Salary: 42,690
Education: They need a Bachelor's degree most professionals have a Graduate Degree. As well as hands on learning programs, sometimes they go as high as a Masters Degree.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Student Success Stament
Phillip Riggs’ Four Success Tips
- Work Hard
- Follow your passions do things you are interested in doing
- Don’t chase after money
- Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.
These four tips are great but can make things confusing for me. With the second tip I do want follow my passion which is art but, my mom tells me no to be a nurse instead to have money. Yet Tip third say don't chase after money. Yet we all need money to survive now a days. Money is what gets us things we need and want. How else would we do it… other than become hippies again. This is where i get stuck because I want to do one but others have plans for me, to help my future. One path is easy on is hard but has the thing i'm interested in so what am I to do then. Yes working hard is important but is it worth it when it will be something you don't like something that you will hate? This is what gets me confused this is what scares me to grow up, simple nothing is simple in this world anymore.
World Records
-Guinness World Records announces 30-year-old Scooter as oldest living cat
-Guinness World Records announces 30-year-old Scooter as oldest living cat
He was born in 1986 on March 26 was titled oldest cat on April 8th yet died a week later of gaining his title. 30 = 136 human years
-Longest jump by a cat
Alley a cat who jumped 182.22 Cm on October 27 2013
-Youngest gamer to achieve a perfect score on Dance Dance Revolution
A 9 year old Japanese boy from Wakayama. His name Ryota Wada on August 2010
-Most hula hoops spun simultaneously
Marawa Ibrahim who with 200 hoops on November 25 2015 in LA.
I'm fascinated with this record because i think it's cool. There was a video of her doing it and it looked really cool with the different colored hula hoops.
I wouldnt want to do one casuse it seems like i cant.
Thursday, May 12, 2016

“You knew what I was when you picked me”

Student Success Statement
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing"
This quote states that when you make a good choice it always feels great... it can be a lie. There are times you make the right decision and it ends up being terrible, pain and suffering can accouter. Sometimes it isn't best but we have to because everyone around you pushes you to like you don't have a choice. like a puppet. This is when you do the right thing but others make it a bad outcome. True sometimes its good depends on what you did. Sometimes we don't even know if we can ever make the right decision. You could be stuck in between and maybe never find a way out.Friday, May 6, 2016
Student Success Statement
“It's a GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right things at the right time.”
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Duties and responsibility: they help assess and diagnose to help to prevent communication and swallowing disorders. These can be caused by stroke ,brain injury, hearing loss, developmental delay.
- Monitoring and evaluating client's progress.
- Working with clients on a one-to-one basis
- Assessing communication environments
Education: Masters Degree and a superficial clinical experience as well as a license in some states
Monday, May 2, 2016
Student Success Statement
The 10 Indian Commandments
- Treat the earth and all that dwells therein with respect.
- Remain close to the Great Spirit.
- Show great respect to your fellow beings.
- Work together for the benefits of mankind.
- Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
- Do what you know to be right.
- Look after the well being of mind and body.
- Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
- Be truthful and honest at all times.
- Take full responsibility for your actions.
Each of these have a purpose to help those who follow them to be on the good path then fall astray. Not only indians should follow them but everyone. They treat everyone and everyTHING with respect. They may as well do better than anyone who never knew of these commandments. Now that i know it changes my perspective of things. There are also things that the human race itself must change or things can get worse.
Duties and Responsibilities: is a massage- based form of alternative medicine that focuses on hands and feet. To help stimulate pressure point and release tension and stress throughout the entire body.
Salary: 21$ a hour and 72$ a year
Education: Aspiring a reflexology need a associates degree, get a state license and a secure employment.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Student Success Statement
Sometimes we don't know that we make promises we just do. When you tell your parents you would be home at a certain time. That counts as a promise. It's true a promise should not be broken but at times we have to or we don't mean to. If that promise is broken sometimes trust is also broken which is the worst thing ever. Sometimes it can eat away at you slowly with guilty until you either felt nothing or you just break. That's what a promise can do to someone. It can be the most important thing to people which would break there heart and you could never fix it.
“A promise must never be broken”
Registered Nurse
Registered Nurse
Duties and Responsibility:
- Perform physical exams and health histories
- Provide health promotion, counseling and education
- Administer medications, wound care, and numerous other personalized interventions
- Interpret patients information and make critical decisions about needed actions
- Coordinate and supervise care delivered by other healthcare personnel like LPNs and nurse aides
- Conduct research in support of improved practice and patient outcomes
Salary: 65,470 $
Education: Associate’s degree
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Student Success Statement
“Goodness is the only investment that never fails”
What this quote is saying that no matter what there is kindness somewhere. Like people will treat others fairly even if some aren't show kindness. People will do good things that they wouldn't get in return. But those who don't can sometimes mess it up for others. Example are homeless who ask for money, now people are acting like they're homeless so they can get money. Cause of that my mom doesn't want to give money that often to anyone anymore, because of those fakes who use people's kindness in the wrong way. Even though there are still people who keep goodness alive.
Recreation Therapist
Recreation Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: They help patients with disabilities or illness. They use games, crafts and sports to help maintain their patients physical and emotional well-being. As well as doing group activities. If one were to work at a school they would help students with communal integration as they move into the adult life.
Salary: $43,180
Education: you need a bachelor's degree in therapeutic recreation with a therapeutic concentration, some states require a licence by the National Council for, Therapeutic Recreation Certification.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Student Success Statement
“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound”(not good)
What this quote is saying is that sometimes the things that influence us are bad that we need to have those bad things disappear to allow the good to be seen. An example is music there can be very nice and calm songs that help people ,yet there are songs that include bad words and other meanings which don't really help people. As well as television there are nice shows which help especially kids learn to grow up right. Yet there are some shows that are entertaining can sometimes teach kids the wrong things when they don't understand things about the show. An example is Steven Universe it's a good show to watch with all the mystery unfolding and suspense from the characters only there are parts where younger kids won't understand or try to copy. Like my sisters so now banned from watching it.
Dental Assistants
Dental Assistants
Duties and Responsibilities: dentist assistants help dentist and patients. They are responsible to prepare the tools as well as patients. There are times where you will sit chair side with the dentist to assist them. As well as sterilize the instruments and equipment. They can also make teeth molds, removing sutures, radiography. They can also assist with making appointments, supplies and treatments.
Salary:$20,530 to $43,040
Education: you can use a high school diploma and the skills you earn on the job, as well as some programs and classes to help prepare for hands on training.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Student Success Statement
“ I am bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”
This long statement is true that there are people who will stand together to do what's right and do what's true to yourself. No one can change you and you can choose which people to hang out with That the right choice are always best and should be chosen. Lincoln himself had shown different ways he did the right too.. This is what i can understand from this quote.
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