Thursday, December 17, 2015

Class/Self Evaluation 

  • The things I liked abou this class was that it helped improve my typing skills that i rarley look at my key board. As well as learn how to use mircosoft word. To learn diffrent tips on how to acess things quick as well as short cuts. As well as some quotes. Yet sometimes it can get boring.

  • A way to improve the class is to have more intresting topics to type about. It would also be nice if we could listen to music while we type so its not so.... dull. Instead of statments all the rime it can also be news topics.

  • I think I did pretty good in this class, my typing has improved, and the quotes got me thinking about things. I finished my work. I would finish early and just sit at my desk.

  • I will try to be comitted but its not always easy to choose the right. I will still try though. There are times when it is hard to choose the right because it can hurt other people in the process.

Friday, December 11, 2015

"Always do the right"

Mark Twain

What I think mark is saying is that no matter what happens you need to always do the right thing. If something isnt yours dont take it give it back or report it. Dont lie for the truth will be reviled and then the punissment will be worse. Sometimes it can be hard to do the right thing but its the best thing to do. The simpliest thing can be the right thing even if it dosent make a difference. Right is always correct. Choose the right.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Student Succes Statement.

"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear"

What this qoute saying is that you wont be scared of things as long as you dont do anything bad. An example is coping a essay. If you dont copy it then you will be fine. If you do then you will constantly be in fear forever, unless you tell the truth. If your running a red light and you see a cop car behind you, you might start to freak out and might end up getting into a accident. Which would be more problems.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

"Pysical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basic of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activites of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not understood. But we do know what the greeks knew: that intellagence and the skills can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."
John F. Kennedy
Ithink he is saying that we all need to practice. helping our body to get use to circumstances. that even knowlege needs it. Knowlege is our srtongest point. That we all need to see or selfs as intellegent. That we each need to gain our skills at things, That once we reach that capacity then and only then can we be seen as strong. each relationship to what we have in store. to increase that relatiopnship.


In japan there are about 6,852 islands. There are many popular cities like Tokyo, Kobe, and Osaka. Yet 
The four main islands are Honshu Hokkaido, 
Shikoku and Kyushu. Kyoto use to be the capital 
Of japan yet Tokyo was given that title. Most people go to Tokyo but don’t visit other places.
 There are many festivals that happen, though some seem weird to use they have meanings to them. There’s is one when one man is chosen to be a suiter for a shrine, but he is naked and washed to show purity. They say if you were to touch him all of your sins will be placed on him. Though he can get injured and every year is replaced by a new suiter. There is also the Sakura Festival (also known as Hanami which means to view flowers). It is for the coming of the new spring to watch the flowers fall that only last for about two weeks a year. People like to have picnics and BBQ along with games and sports. In japan there are little things that you do that will be seen as rude. Not taking off shoes when entering, leaving a tip, passing your food with chopsticks, being loud on trains, and many others.
I choose this place because after watching anime I wonder what those places were really like and got intrested. Soon I started to gain more of an intrest in Japan and wanting to go there. To see all the cool new and old pats of Japan.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Student Succes Statement.

"Kindness is the essence of greatness."

This quote is saying that having kindness is a great thing. Kindness can help create connections with people or even make a change in them. There was a ad once that had a low-middle class man. Where he puts a pot in water, helps a lad with her cart, feeds a dog and gives money to a family with a little girl. He continued to do this even though he got nothing out of it. Eventually when he went to the family to give them money the little girl wasn't there. With all that time of giving them money the girl was finally able to go to school. In the end his "reward" was to see the smiles of the people he helped. This is why I think Kindness is the essence of greatness as well. He didn't need money to be great.

                Joseph B. Wirthlin

Friday, November 20, 2015

Student Succes Statement.

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself."

Henry Ward Beecher
This Quote is saying that you shouldn't put the blame on anyone but yourself. If it was your fault then pay the consequences for it. Don't let someone take the blame for you. An example is breaking something. If you were t break a vase don't blame it on your sibling. That may be the easiest way to get out of trouble but later on you will be caught. Be the responsible person that everyone wants to see about you. Don't let them think poorly of you. prove them wrong. Never think you are nothing.

                 Thanksgiving was official in 1786 when George Washington made in the first national Thanksgiving day. Many of the main dishes we eat today weren't the original idea. Sara Josepha Hale inspired to start a 30 year campaign to make thanksgiving a holiday. Its on the last Thursday of November. The Pilgrims of Plymouth may have had the first thanksgiving but it was only a inspiration. I think that thanksgiving is important day because now most of us stay distant from each other and we don't stay close to family. Sometimes things can happen and a family member can disappear.We should stay connected to or with one another. A time to be with family and friends. For works a day of the spend with the family they work for.

  • My Family
  • My Friends
  • The way my life has been
  • My pets
  • I'm health 
  • Food
  • Learning to draw.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Student Succes Statement.

"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it."

This is saying it is better to not say a  lie and hurt someone later. Even if its bad it better to tell them the truth. An example is secret dating. When people go out with someone and dont tell their parents, If they find out later then they will be in bigger trouble. Or if you you lie about your feelings and put them in a trap to hurt them more. it isnt right. To stay with someone who will hurt you, yet go back to them. We must learn to do things on our own, yet dosent mean we cant ask for help.

Marcus Aurelius

Monday, November 16, 2015

Student Succes Statement.

1. Have the courage to say no.
2. Have the courage to face the truth.
3.Do the right thing because its right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.

W. Clement Stone

Student Succes Statement.

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winnning or losing." 

This qoute is saying that no matter what being fair is  the best thing to happen. An example is when you are doing a race and the person next to you falls. Instead of continuing  to win you are fair and help that person. Being fair is bad compared to losing. Fairness is in between. As for being honorable you should due anthing you can to help a person. If someone drops their things heep them even if they dont benifit you. this is what a honorabloe person should do. We can all be Honorable and Fair.

Chick Moorman
Duties and Responsibilities: they help check for cancer along with treatment procedures like chemotherapy
Salary: 217,856$
Education: Doctor of Medicine (M.D) Degree along with experience 

Summary: This job doesn’t suit me.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Duties and Responsibilities: produce multiple images into frames to create an illusion of movements. Digital or hand drawn. 2D or 3D. Create characters timing movements creating backgrounds.
Salary: 61,370 
Education: Need a bachelor’s degree and experience.
Summary: I have always been interested in art. When I started to watch an animation company called Ghibli I really wanted to work there. Sadly they have now stopped production. Yet I still want to be an animator because I love to draw and create characters.

Monday, November 9, 2015

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

What I think this quote means is that depending on the people you are with they can change with you are. if you are a person who doesn't drink or smoke then you will continue to be like that. If are with people who do drugs and drink then you may start to do it yourself. So you need to choose these people wisely or else you may end up choosing the wrong one. An example can be my aunt she loved to go have fun and party. Yet boyfriend was bad to her but, was still with him. One time she went out she never came back home. She was drugged and her body was dumb up in the mountains. She was a good person became friends with anyone. Yet she never knew what would happen to her.Maybe if she wasn't with him she would still be okay. even though i don't know if it was him.This is what can happen if you dont choose the right people.
Veterans Day
1)Veterans Day is an anniversary of the end of World War 1. 2)To honor those U.S veterans and respect the victims of war.
3)I think that it is important to show honor on Veterans Day, to show them that we are thank full for their service.8) If it weren’t for them the outcome of the war may have been different.4) We celebrate in on Nov. 11. 5) We can do the green light but other than that I cant think of another way.

7)Thank You 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good."

William Penn

When we feel stressed about things we sometimes do things to relax. Sometimes we run or draw but this quote is saying that the best way is do good. An example can be, when you walking home from a bad day at work and you see a homeless person. You decide to give them money; seeing that you helped them out. Doesn't  make you smile...That is the best way to recreate to do good. And dosent have to be to help the homeless it can be many other things. Younjuast need to start it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
William Penn

What I this quote is saying is that sometimes its best not to follow. Yet there are times you should follow. Everyone has a choice no one can really force you to. we do what we want to do no matter what the rules are sometimes. Even if its wring we just want to do it. It like a urge that we have to do that like drawing. Once in a while i have to draw something or else I just don't do anything.

EX1: When going to work everyone has to wear a uniform, they wear it because they know they have to or else there in trouble.

EX2: At school everyone has a phone we aren't allowed to use it in class but most people do it anyways. most people like to follow other or they just don't care.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."

Peter Vidmar

What I think he is saying is that sometimes we lose what we want to see. I agree with peter because something like that happened to me. After a while I lost all my motives to do anything, all the things i wanted to do went down the drain. people telling me i couldn't succeed. So i let myself loose that path. yet as of right now i am getting back on the path, to find something that suites me for who I am. this is what peter did he stayed on the path he made and continued to build it forward.
Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities: They can create health related materials, collecting data to analyze for evaluating programs.
Salary: 41,830
Education: They can just have a high school diploma but they should have a bachelor’s degree; they also need a brief period of time with job training.

I don’t think this job would suit me very well. But good in case of a second job.

Monday, October 26, 2015

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."

What I think this quote means is that instead of being rich, we should have a good name. With a good name every one will remember you with a smile. that would be a good. Although that may be true in my opinion I don't think its completely true, Having a good name is nice but, what about happiness.? I think what really matters is some ones happiness. We may go through live being rich and a good name but, if it dose not make you happy then what is the point.


Healthcare Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities:  is in the field relating to leadership, management of public health systems. Like hospitals and hospital networks.
Salary: 64,821
Education: They need a bachelor’s degree, also related experience.

This job wouldn’t work out for me. It doesn’t catch my interest at all.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life time."

 What i think coach K is saying that the best way for anyone to see you is to have a good name. This good name will continue on even after you have left this world. That good name will represent who you were. If you had a bad name everyone's opinion will be based on what history your name has. If you don't have that good name no one will remember you. Since coach K has a good name people will remember him. This good name will keep you "alive" in history. A good name can also help with jobs and colleges to. A good name is the best thing you can achieve.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


"If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you must be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."

What this quote is saying is that sometimes the friends we have aren't the best. We may think that they are good friends but, in reality they aren't. Sometimes the reason why we hang out with them is to  just fit in. As we grow up we want to know who we are; what kind of person we are. This is  how most get on the wrong path and sometimes they don't end up who they want to be and just follow. yet there are the few who do end up back, back to who they are. It isn't always easy. because most think "no one will like me for who I am i'm plain or to weird." We need to step off that path and be our self. If we our not our self  then we will never meet the people who will truly be our friends, not the fake ones. You can tell who they are because of how they make you feel.They can brighten your day , even on your worst ones. These are the people we need to find. Not listen to those who do the wrong things. No one can tell you how to act, just be yourself and you'll be fine.

Friday, October 16, 2015

"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself."
Noemi Trigueros 

This quote is saying that anyone can be a great person. That depending on which what you aim  for the future is all depending on you. If you do it the wrong way or right way. We can all be good people if we decide to do the right things and work hard for it. That we can be happy people if we Choose The Right.

Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:  they so surgical treatment to the nose ears and throat. Medically trained to manage larynx, oral cavity and nasal passages.
Salary: $302,500
Education: they need to have a M.D degree, while also doing a residency and license to practice.                               

I don’t think that this kind of job would suit me and it doesn’t interest me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Success id not an accident. Success is actually a choice.Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow?'

What I think is sometimes our habits can either lead us to success or bring us down. An example is if your disorganized, you wont be able to find your homework or bring the right things for the class. As for someone who is organized they will have everything prepared and not worry on where things are. We aren't lucky we get things when we work hard for something. We never truly get everything for free we end up paying somehow. The Choice is ours to make we can choose the easy path or the hard one. Sometimes the easy path isn't the right one because all those problems and all the things we didn't do before will come back. As for a hard working path everything will be hard at first ,but when you finished with all that work you can now relax and enjoy the rest of your life. A simple choice can determine your future. Choose the right choice.

Monday, October 12, 2015


"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it become a building block."
James E. Faust
What his quote is saying is that once we reach the goal the problem we faced while doing it will disappear. Instead of messing up and falling apart like a stumbling block we become strong once we have achieved everything we wanted and stand on our own. Sometimes we need to take a risk for the path we wont to go on even though everyone disagrees. The obedience that we learned can be used for the future. Obedience can be the goal that helps teach us how to be strong on our own, without anyone's help.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

" We all think about eternal life and how great it will be , will it truly be that great. Will it be great to see everyone around you disappear. Life is precious but we don't notice that till its to late. Live in the present end enjoy your life. No matter what keep your happiness alive or else what would be the point." - Monika Castillo
"Sometime we ignore others and not notice their pain, yet the times we do they hide with a smile. A mask they use to not show their true emotions, they need a hand to help remove the mask."
- Monika Castillo

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

             " the primary object of all sound education."
Elizabeth Missing Swell
What this is saying is that we need obedience in our education. if we don't obey the rules in class then we cant focus, if we cant focus we cant learn. Obedience is needed or else cause can problem in a class if a fight is about to start we need obedience to control or self and causing a scene.
Duties and Responsibility: A dermatologist helps others aesthetic concerns. Which includes acne,bengin skin growth and fungal infections.
Education: They need a doctor of medicine or a Osteopathy degree and four years clinical training with a license in all states

This job isnt for me because I would feel very uncomfortable.

Friday, October 2, 2015

"obedience is central to becoming, being, and happy remaining happy."
David Bendar

What this quote i think that sometimes we all don't notice
 the things that make us happy we think it can be people or social media but it actually the thing that makes us truly smile. But it may not do anyhing for us. An example may be that we give money to the homeless even though we get nothing in return, we still smile. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"What you are as a person is far more important than what  you are as a basket ball player."

John Wooden

That your self is better than anyone else in than anything in world.  no one can be you no one can change you. You can only change yourself when you need to.
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: they help by preparing the patient for their treatment and helping the dentist when they need it.
Salary: 34,500 $
Education: Postsecondary non-degree award as well as some training or practice.

Refection: maybe I would try to do this job but it’s not my top one.

Monday, September 28, 2015

"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse."

This statement is saying that money wont give you happiness the things you like to do is what gives you happiness a true smile.
Duties and Responsibly : treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity. They make sure your teeth and gums are health and can tell you what you need.
Salary: 149,310 $
Education: Doctorial or a Professorial Degree.
 I wouldn’t want to work with peoples teeth because it seems gross. Not in my top interest. If it has to do with animals or drawing I will be interested. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Obedience sums up our entire duty"

Hosea Ballou

What I think about this quote is I don't really understand it. from what I can understand  is that we need our obedience to keep our self on the right  path. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad I feel bad." Abraham Lincoln 
 What I think about this is that its true an example is when helped a dog cross the street ( it was in the middle) afterwards the dog wanted to play with me I was happy.

When I was younger I wasn't suppose to open the present but i decide to open it and ruined the surprise(it was a giant play house) when it was my birthday i wasn't as excited because i already knew what wads i there.
Duties and Responsibility: specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system. They help check to see if you need any kind of treatment before the problem can get worse.

Salary:  66,160$

Education:  They need a Doctor or professional degree. As well as some experience at a clinic.

Reflection: I don’t think this job would suit me very well because I don’t talk to random people often (don’t want to touch anyone’s body)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

"The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedience we are, the more freedom we have." 
Boyd.K Parker 

Freedom is what we all want to have. It is sometimes harder to gain that freedom, the reason why its so hard is because of obedience. 

An example is my phone. If I do not listen to my parents they take it away and I lose the freedom to use my phone.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


"Obedience is the great test of life"
This quote means that obedience can help you choose the right. that the choices we make can change the events of things. its a test because you can either be a criminal or some one important.

Duties and Responsibilities:  they are doctors that treat the diseases and diagnose the heart.(cardiovascular system.)


Education: A doctor of medicine, 2-3 years of residency And a license.

I would not want to work in this kind of are because I do not do well with body parts.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


14 years ago on this day was a terrorist attack. Fight 11 was hijacked and was flown lower than normal. it flew straight into the the north towers side being engulfed in smoke. Soon after the south tower was struck. As well as the World Trade Center the Pentagon. 

This event makes me teared up. Knowing that humans can bi this cruel to each other we are all the same. No matter what. many people lost their lives , victims from the planes, firefighter , workers; all to start a war.? This shows that we must keep moving forward, from our past to crate a better future.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"Education is the latch key to success life."
Gordon B. 

I think that maybe not everything
 needs education. Education can be a key for many things but maybe not all things.
Duties and Responsibility: They identify and assessing hearing and balance problems, rehabilitation, and to prevent hearing loss
Salary: $ 61,000-96,000
Education: Doctoral degree Complete 300 to 375 hours of supervised clinical experience
Earn a passing score on a national exam
Complete nine months of post-graduate professional clinical experience

Summary: I don’t think this would be the job for me because it doesn’t interest me

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Decisions Determine Destiny 
By: Thomas S. Monson

What I think about this quote is its true we control our path. With each decision we make it can change our Destiny. We make a decisions that sometimes effect us and can either be helpful or not. No one else can make that choice except us. It is just like choosing the right.

Athletic Trainer

Duties and responsibility: An athletic trainer helps with in the field of sports medicine. Health care professional.
Salary: $45,000
Education: You need a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree along with a training along with a certain exam to determine if you can or not.

Summary: I am kind of interested in this type of career but not quite. I still want to find a job that is artistic.